FLN - 15 Year Anniversary Bash

Sponsorship Opportunities.



Sponsor (1)


Sponsor (3)


Sponsor (5) 


Sponsor (7)

Bronze Sponsor (10) 
Sponsorship Rate $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000

 Sponsor Logo

Prominently Displayed along throughout certain dates in 2025

Sponsor Logo displayed as indicated through 12/31/25 Sponsor Logo displayed as indicated through 09/30/25

Sponsor Logo displayed as indicated through 06/30/25

Sponsor Logo displayed as indicated through 04/30/25

Sponsor Logo displayed on indicated through through 03/31/25

Tickets to the Event

(You can use or gift to FLN - Members that have supported your business)

All Tickets at Same Table unless you request otherwise

 10 Event Tickets

or if you don't use all tickets, we will raffle off a prize in Sponsor's Name

8 Event Tickets

or if you don't use all tickets, we will raffle off a prize in Sponsor's Name

6 Event Tickets

or if you don't use all tickets, we will raffle off a prize in Sponsor's Name

4 Event Tickets 2 Event Tickets

Program Display

 Gets the full back page and the first inside page in the Event program.

Full page Ad in the Event program.

1/2 page Ad in the Event program.

1/4 page Ad in the Event program.

 Mentioned with other Bronze Sponsors in the Event program.
Sponsorship Table

(Dedicated Sponsorship Table at the Event that you can decorate as you like)
  First 2 Gold Sponsors will get a Sponsorship Table.

Signage at the Event

Company Name & Logo

Prominently displayed as a Title Sponsor at the event and Thru 2025 Prominently displayed as a Platinum Sponsor at the event.  Prominently displayed as a Gold Sponsor at the event. Prominently displayed as a Silver Sponsor at the event.  Mentioned with other Bronze Sponsors at the event.

 Verbal Recognition at the FLN - 15 Year

Anniversary Bash and on Social Media

Appreciation Plaque & Award        
Award Presentations

Promo Items and

Gift Bags

Attendees will receive a gift bag and Sponsors can include promo items for each bag.

Must be delivered to FLN one week prior.

 Title Sponsors 

Up to 8 promo items for each gift bag.

Platinum Sponsors

Up to 6 promo items for each gift bag.

Gold Sponsors

up to 4 promo items for each gift bag.

Silver Sponsors

Up to 2 promo items for each gift bag.

 Bronze Sponsors

Includes 1 promo item for each gift bag.

FLN - 15 Year Title Sponsor
FLN - 15 Year Platinum Sponsor
FLN - 15 Year Gold Sponsor
FLN - 15 Year Silver Sponsor
FLN - 15 Year Bronze Sponsor

FLN - Global, LLC - Florida Lawyers Network

480 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway, Suite 110

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33325

T: 954.961.5999

E: FLN@FloridaLawyersNetwork.com

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